Welcome To Meem Madaat
‘Meem for Madaat’ is formed by a small group of volunteers who are U.K citizen and who have family ties with the third world and developing country, Pakistan. The members of our group have vast experience working with bigger & more established charities however with the forever need to eradicate global poverty, unfortunately the gap is massive for smaller groups like us to be formed to serve humanity, to do our bit to eradicate global poverty and promote community cohesion & Racial harmony, of course when and where required we will continue to support and work with all our chosen charities across the globe, which are doing essential & amazing work. At this early and teething stage of our voluntary group, established 1st Jan 2016, (20th Rabi-ul-Awal 1437al-hijri) we are aiming to appeal to donors and volunteers to provide aid in some of the small poverty stricken villages located in the Jhelum district of Pakistan and by volunteering time and supporting our local community in U.K. ‘Meem for Madaat’ is inspired by Islamic principles to help others in need, without discriminating between creed, caste, religion or gender.
The reason for focusing on a small area at this early stage is simple we will learn to walk before we can run. Therefore we humbly appeal for your vital support for this essential cause by donating your kind donations to our volunteers or by filling a standing order form and hand it into your bank or our volunteer.
One day this drop will form a ocean to serve humanity across the globe and we will all be blessed with great reward & blessings in this world & next.